Please do NOT disable Security Defaults!

If you aren’t licensed for and using Conditional Access policies, please do not disable the security defaults feature just because something isn’t working (e.g. scan to email). Microsoft introduced the defaults for a very good reason – they realised that tenants without Azure AD Premium P1 licensing and correctly configured CA policies were wide open to Phishing and Password Spray attacks, via connections to Exchange Online using basic authentication protocols such as POP, IMAP and SMTP.

Connections using basic authentication do not support and therefore bypass MFA. If you disable this setting you are effectively turning off many security features.

Let’s find a solution to these problems and leave our tenant protected ‘by default’.

Here’s how to allow certain things (e.g. Teams meeting room devices and printers) while leaving our tenant secure:

1. Add any external IPs of company locations to Trusted IPs under MFA settings. In most cases you would do this for all company owned office locations.

2. Set Password Reset Registration to No so that new users are not prompted to register.

3. If you need to send SMTP email through Exchange Online (e.g. from a printer), create an account with exchange license to use for sending.

4. Load Cloud Shell from top of the Azure Portal. Connect to Exchange:


5. Create an EOL Authentication Policy:

New-AuthenticationPolicy -Name “Allow Basic Auth SMTP” -AllowBasicAuthSmtp

6. Assign the policy to the user:

Get-User | Set-User -AuthenticationPolicy “Allow Basic Auth SMTP”

7. Optionally, force the policy to apply within 30 minutes:

Set-User -STSRefreshTokensValidFrom $([System.DateTime]::UtcNow)

Now your users and devices will be able to connect without MFA requirement from trusted offices, and you can set up Scan to Email functions to use the account you created.

Righto – time have a cup of tea and reward yourself for not chopping off a leg to fix an itch! 🤣🤣


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